- Dioxydine
- Ruberozum (water-soluble dye for ready medicine forms(red)
- Tserulezum (water-soluble dye for ready medicine forms)
- Mebhydrolinenapadisylate
- Polyhexamethylenguanidine hydrochloride (polymer Biozyde PGS; Metazyde; Polysept)- it is use for manufacturing of water cleaning and decontamination new generation disinfacants
- Sudan I (Dye for microscopy)
- Benzene (аzо-I)-2-naphtol C6H5N= NС10Н6ОН
- Sudan IV, pfa (Dye for capillary flaw defection) 1-/4-(o-Tolilaso)-o-tolilaso/-2-naphtol
- Eosine-methylene blue to Leishman's, dry (Dye for histological pur poses)
- Eosine Н
- Eosine К