а)Products for industrial rubber article and manufactures of polymers:
- Bis-(salicylideniminate)copper (II)SIC; Salicylalimine copper (II)- vulcanizing agent for rubber mixes
- Bisfur (N,N-difurfurilidenhexamethylendiamin) – vulcanizing agent for fluoro elastomer
- Hexamethylendiaminediacetate,p (vulcanizing agent for special rubber)
- p-Dinitrozobenzene - vulcanizing agent for hot hardener resin
- Paraquinonedioxime - vulcanizing agent for butylrubber system, the initiator of polymerization of styrene, also is applied in organic synthesis
b)Organic luminores:
- Luminore yellow-green 540T (It is used in polygraph, flaw defection)
- Luminore green 525T(it is applied in polygraphy, flaw defection )
- Luminore yellow-green 490PT(For luminescent flaw defection and painting of polymeric materials)
- Luminore orange-red 612T (for flaw defection, in polygraphy, in hydrogeology )
- Luminore water-blue 458T( For luminescent paints)
- Luminore red-violet 440PT( for dyeing polymeracrilata and polystyrene during polymerization)
- Luminore red 590T
- Luminore blue-violet 452TR
- Luminore 4;
- ( For luminescent paints)
- Luminole (it is applied as hemiluminescent indicator)
- Lumocupferon
c) For electronic industry:
- 2,3,3-Trimethyl-4,5-bensoindolenine (TMBI)
- 2,3,3-Trimethyl-6,7-bensoindolenine
- 6-Bromо-2,3,3-Trimethyl- 3Н-benso(e)indole
- 2,3,3,5-Tetramethylindolenine
- N-Methyl 2,3,3-trimethylindolenine iodide
- 2,3,3-Trimethyl-5-sulfo-3H –indole
- 2,3,3- Trimethyl-3H-indol; (2,3,3-Trimethylindolenin (TMI)
- 5-Sulfo-N-Methyle-2,3,3-trimethyleindolenine